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(02) 68954177
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5pm
Sat: 10am-12pm
121 Bathurst St, Condobolin, NSW, 2877

Turn branches and prunings into garden mulch, save on dump costs, no more un-neighbourly burn offs, return valuable nutrients to your garden soil from which they originated.
Our larger capacity models effortlessly turns branches up to 90mm thick, into chips 10-20mm ideal for orchard or garden nutrient-rich mulch and compost.

This machine delivers legendary COX quality at the right price. Fitted with a 15.5HP Briggs & Stratton single cylinder engine, combined with a fabricated cutter deck in either 32″ (805mm) or 38″ (960mm) cut. LawnBOSS has industrial strength polypropylene panels which won’t rust and are resistant to scratches and minor dings. The LawnBOSS design allows for easy maintenance, and has straight line ‘B section’ drive belts which provide direct, positive power, reduced wear and easy DIY replacement. LawnBOSS comes standard with a Tuff Torq hydrostatic transmission with built in differential which offers tighter turning.

The Cruiser comes with a fully fabricated 42″ (1055mm) or 48″ (1220mm)cutter deck, which has a 8mm reinforced skirt to protect against impact damage. The bearing housings and pulleys are made out of cast iron to ensure longevity. The large turf saver tyres minimises ground impression on soft and damp turf. When you have finished mowing, all you have to do is just snap on a standard hose fitting and the underside of your deck will be cleared of accumulated grass clippings. You’ve also got the benefit of the slide adjustable high back seat complete with armrests for operator comfort.